

A race of water and land dwelling creatures, on the Di-kal. If it weren't for the Qytirs, they would be considered the dominate species on the planet. Stuck in the middle of being animalistic in nature, and having some sort of human-like intellegence, it's hard to wonder if they should be classified as animal, or sentient being.

There are also two kinds of Gealyth. The Freshwater and the Saltwater. Fresh water gealyth have extra fine fur covering their bodies, and fins down their backs and sides, with spots following their spine. Saltwater gealyths have thicker fur, as they tend to live in colder climates, and have beautiful poisonous barb fins, like a lionfish, since there are more preditors in the oceans, than the rivers and lakes.

They live in large group societies, like a pack, yet build rather intricate 'cities' under the water, as well as some mud huts on land. They also create weapons, as well as ornametal decorations, such as shell necklaces, or bracelets, yet have no real clothing, nor need for it.
Though mammals, they dwell more underwater, than land, similar to seals, or otters, and are capable of holding their breath for hours on end. They spend 65% of their life in water, the other 35% on land, mostly because they have some sort of difficulty moving over land.
As far as breeding and mating goes, once a pair has been established, they do not part, and they only bare one child.