
Name: Naginata
Species: Scyther Morph
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Yellow
'Skin' Color: Various shades of green
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 134 lb.

Personality: She's a very bitter 'person' and hates all humans. She cold and apathetic, preferring to keep to herself, and has no guilt in killing anyone that is a human... even one's who were once human, but now morphs...

Background: She was in fact a scyther at one time. She was abused by her trainer, both verbally and physically. Though she would attack him for doing so, it only seemed to make matters worse. Both she and her trainer was captured, after they lost a fight to a Team Rocket agent. Of course, she was morphed... now... what of her trainer you ask?? Well... Naginata got her revenge... heh heh heh.

Abilities: Quick Attack, Leer, Focus Energy, Pursuit, False Swipe, Agility, Wing Attack, Slash, Double Team, Fury Cutter, and Thief