
Name: Nepa
Real Name:
Riley Kandin
Eyes: Orange
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 160 lb.
Rank: Soldier
Type: Close Combat Pretorian
Animal Reference: Scorpion

Personality: Being significantly younger than the other pretroians, her attitude is much more cheery and niave than the rest. To some, this is a welcome change, to others, it is an annoyance.


Abilities: Though Pyre is the true power house in the group, Nepa is the smaller powerhouse. Despite her size she possesses great strength. Her primary weapon, of course, is her tail. Her secondary weapon, mostly supportive, are the somewhat secretive claws. Though normal at a glance, the armor around her forearms detaches and spins around, forming claws which she can use to hold an enemy, to make them open to an attack from her tail.