Created for the purposes of war, they are nano-created anderoids, with the minds
of human soldiers who were either on their death bed, too debilitated to do
anything, or, though rare, offered themselves up for the project.
Their entire design, frame, function, and everything about them was created
entirely from nanos, with almost no human interfierence. Each one is made to
specificly to cater too the skills of the mind they are needed to host. In that
sense, each one is unique, from basic stats, to the odd tattoos on their bodies.
The build of the anderoids is tall and thin, yet the unusually thin frame is
incredibly versital.
There are three main power cells within the pretorian frame. One in the head,
one in the chest, and one in the 'abdomine' Though the pretorian is powered
by all three cells, it can survive on two or even one of them. Of course, once
that runs out, the nanos only have a limited amount of time to 'live' and the
'brain' nano, would be the last to go.
One very important part, though it may seem stricktly ornamental, is the 'skirt'
on the Pretorian. This is not nessisarily armor, but rather, excess armor with
which repairs can be made. Without out it, armor would have to be thinned out
from more vital parts, making the pretorian far more suseptible to a diabilitating
Like anything with a nanite system, Pretorians have regenerative abilities.
It is not instantanious, though it's not slow either. They are all also equpiped
with multi-sensory features, such as night vision, heat vision, and electronic
Their weapons system ranges from Pret to Pret, as each one is intergrated with
weapons specific to their field. Most commonly, weapons are consealed in the
forearm armor, such as a simple gun, or a compartment for grenades. The tails
are also use either as weapons or weapon storage. Although, there are also non-integrated
weapons available for each Pretorian if ever needed.
They are the 'blood' of the pret-body, and in fact, the various nanos mimic
the key cell in the human body.
The energy transfer nano, are like 're-fuling' stations for the other nanos,
and keep pockets or energy they store from the main powercells, mimicing red
blood cells. The defence nano are like white blood cells, and protect the pretorian
from nano based attacks. The core consiousness Nano is the 'brain' of the pretorian,
it is from that single nano, that all the thoughts, and 'brain process' and
very well, the soul, of the pretoian, is kept. Though since it is a nano, it
is not stationary and can move anywhere within certain pockets of the body.
If it is not destoyed, then the pretorian itself is not 'dead'. There are also
special defence nanos that are made speficially to protect the core conciousness
nano, they are the last line of a Pretorian's internal defences.
Also, a unique nano specific to certain types are the membrane nanos, nanos
that make up any webbing like or membrane-like part of the Pretorian.
Though considered to be one of the most advanced fighting force ever, like anything
else, there are a few things that can bring it down. Viral nanos can be quite
effective if it can overpower the defence nanos within the Pretorian's body.
EMPs can hinder a pretorian's mobility, though Pretorians and their nanos are
equiped with faeatures that help shield them from EMP's, very strong or close
range EMP's can temorarily shut down Nano activity, leaving a Pretorian completely
helpless. A last on this list, is energy deprivation. If the power cells die
out or are completely destoryed, the nanos will start to die out. If the core
consiousness nano shuts down for too long, there will be complete loss of 'counsiousness'
and be completely blank.