

A limbless winged creature, somewhat realted to the wyvrym or the wyrm. Virtually limbless asside from it's first and secondary wings, it prefurs to remain airborn, and can for vast hours at a time, mostly gliding on it's large wings. Though, when it does land, it moves accross similar the way a snake does, or will use it's giant fore-wings to help it crawl across the ground. Due to their airborne nature, they cannot swim, yet enjoy resting in shallow lakes.
Their tails are long and muscular, and are it's main source of protection, with many horns at the tip and a heavy round mass at it's tip, it uses it like a mace.Though it could use it's wings to bat off enemies, or theoretically blow them away, damage to he wing memebrane would be far too dangerous to risk.

There are two kinds of Saiprym, the valley dwelling Saiprym, who prefur to live near watersources or small forrests, and the Crested Saiprym, who dwell in the mountains and highlands. The valley Saiprym has smooth snakelike skin, a set of 3-7 horns forming a 'V' pattern on the head, and range from colors of blue, to yellow, and green. The Crested Saiprym, are more ruiggedly scaled, and as stated in their name, have a large boney head crest, similar to that of Crested Dragons (see DJ) and are far more agressive than their valley dwelling cousins. Their colors range from brown, to rust, to a very rare black.