This is the third picture
I ever drew of this guy...
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Species: Undead Velociraptor
Hair: none
Eyes: none
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 75 lbs
Parents: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Wife: None
Offspring: Nope
Quote: None
Personality: He can be rather cunning... though usually ends up doing something rather stupid. He often tries to get the best of Dameon, or at least convince Dameon to cut the stiches that bind his mouth.
Abilities: Well, he's no vampire or nothing, just undead.. though there IS a reason why his mouth is sewn up... He, unusually enough, has large fangs that secreet a powerful poison. His stitches are cursed, so he can't just cut them off himself. Someone has to willingly cut his stitches of their own free will.
Background: Most of his background is unknown. The only thing anyone knows is that he's Dameon's lacky, and has been for some time.