Yippy! New pic of Cyris... Quickly colored in Corel ^^

Name: Cyris
Age: He's about 20 years older than Talon
Gender: Male
Species: Genetically Altered T' Karian
Hair: VERY pale blonde, or light grey.
Eyes: Grey
Height: About 6'1" (Dragon form is like 9'7")
Weight: Hmm.. around 190lbs
Parents: Haven't made names for them yet either, but his father IS alive
Siblings: 23, one sister, the rest are brothers
Wife: Talon
Offspring: Sandra and David
Quote: Can't think of any for the moment.

Personality: He's a bit more researved compared to my other characters. He's rather calm and colected, and sort of the 'strong silent' type.

Abilities: He's a simple shape shifter, only has human and dragon forms. He's also a good fighter, and he has mild telekanetic powers, like telepathy and teleportation.

Background: Ok, now for Cyris's Background. Well, first let me explain a bit of his genealogy, which will make sense is you read the Back Background, so go read it if you haven't already. Well, anyways, remember the handful of spliced volunteers, the first test anyways, not the one that 'failed', well his Cyris's lineage is from one of the volunteers of this experiment, that's why he can shift to tow different forms. Also, just for a reference, the ones that had been spliced, did not have exactly perfect human forms, sometimes they kept they're original color scheme, so, they needed a bit of cover-up and what not to be able to truly blend with the race.
One other thing is that for a while, their offspring also had this ability, with similar defects, but it suddenly disappeared in further generations, and then re-appeared. Now, the special thing about the future generations that suddenly got this transforming ability, not only could transform easier, but also could have both perfect human and dragon forms. (Hence, Cyris's and his father.)
Ok, now that I've given you some side info, back to the main thing. Well, Cyris was about 19, or so around there when the Dameon fiasco started, and of course was fighting him… until he made a very risky decision, in order to help his home, he would join Dameon's new group, and try to 'destroy' it from inside out. This was a very nice plan and all, with only one set back, due to information leaking and a whole bunch of other problems, his colleagues and family did not get the word that he had merely joined the opposite side to help his home, and was of course disowned by his own family
So, bitterly, he still continued his original plan to disintegrate the enemy from the inside out, and his first step was to get rid of Hacking Software so that they couldn't get into his home's systems, and have some hope of defeating Dameon and his group. Now, how did he get rid of it?? Well, he didn't destroy it, instead, transported to an unknown coordinates, so that he could not be linked to it, it would be out of enemy reach, and he could retrieve it and be able to use it against the enemy.
Well… guess were it ended up?? (The disk that is…) In Talon's home!! How fun is that?! But, sadly to Cyris's dismay, the transportation was traced, and they were going to get the software, though luckily, Cyris was not linked to it, allowing him to live… To try another tactic to over throw his enemy. Although… one small thing made the road a bit harder, maybe you already know what this 'thing' is… heh, heh, heh. Well, anyways, being on the 'bad' side for a while, so he ended up having to fight Talon... not for long though.