
The inhabitants of the planet T'Kar. They are dragon-like creatures that can live for thousands of years. Their race is highly advanced in genetics, and they have abilities of mild telepathy. Though, an interesting bit of information, because of their very long life span, and high status on the food chain, after having a child, Female T'Karians cannot become pregnate for about 18-20 so years. Although, a typical T'Karian family can have an average of 20-30 children in their lifetime. Also, unlike many other reptilain creatures, T'Kars acctually bare they young by live birth, similar to a type of snake we have. Though, T'Kar females do not have mamory glands.
The T'Karians also can very greatly in physical appearance. Though most all have a tough, snake like skin, their colors and horn patterns very greatly, though it is not uncommon to see similar head crests or colors in a clan, depending on how long it's been around.
T'karians live in clans and, though advanced in science, they live in cliff faces, mearly for the fact that they are strong, and can withstand most natural distasters and wars. Although, they are no where near primitive. The insides of such strongholds, it is as modern as what we live in today, if not even more so. The clans can range from 100 to over 5,000 inhabitants, depending on what the reasorces are, and how old the clan is.
Each clan typically has a head ruler, that is determined by, first a collective vote by the inhabitants of the clan, then the current council of the clan. There is no time limit to how long the designated leader can keep their position, but if there is any violation of clan policies, the consequence is not only empechment, but exile from the clan as well.
Council memebers are changed each 3 years. New council members are picked out at random by the former council, though, the background of each memeber is looked into, for the benefit of the clan memebers. Religion on T'Kar is as diverse as our own religions. The religions mostly vary from clan to clan, though clans are not devided by religion, but is not uncommon to find that many other T'Kar join a clan mainly because the clan is dominately the religion they practice. Although most clans to not force one particular religon, but there are a few clans that are quite strict about their religious commitment.