Armaina: 03-05-03
Yup, updating more. Fixing a few links, and trying to get all the images
up. I'll get the message board link up ASAP, even if the link only works
on this page, but at least it's something ^^() I should have this place
in working order in about a week... I hope ^^()
Asside from the link fixing, I've also got Malcolm's profile pic up!
WHOO! I need to dig around and find his first concept sketch ^^() Also,
need to rip some images off of Taka's gallery and get them up here *nods*
And Mara and Butterfly need to get their stuff up as well.
W007!!! ALL RIGHT!! UPDATES!! ^-^
Yesses, I finally got around to updateing this stupid thing >_<
*sigh* Yeah, I know... It's looked ugly and so big and everything, but
now I've got it uniform! ^-^ This might be a little annoying to Butterfly,
but we need to have some type of uniformity, so that it looks pretty
and professional ^-^ Also, I'm going low on the graphics for a while,
because I have to take this by disk to school in order to upload it,
because I can't do it from home until school is out.
As for the rest
of the updates, I've got more stuff on my characters, and the art galleries
should be going up soon. I've also got a little bit of stuff on Butterfly,
Taka, and Mara's characters, that I'll get up as soon as I can.
Anyway, thanks for sticking up with us ^^
(oh and yeah, the reson why I happen to be the first on everything,
is not cus I made this layout, but because I'm putting everything in
alphabetical order ~_^)