Name: Mikasi
Real Name:
Eyes: Yellow
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 190 lb.
Rank: Soldier
Type: Infiltration Pretorian
Animal Reference: Coyote

Personality: Younger than the others, he's a bit more of a wet nose. He has no shame in voicing his opinion, even if no one wants to hear it, although he seems to know when to be quiet and merely listen, which he only seems to do when Munin speaks, which is rare.

Background: An expert in enemy infiltration, he can slip through even the tighest security. He has some hacking skills, but nothing like what Kitsune is capable.

Abilities: He has built in communication disruptors, as well as an EMP (which all pretorians are pretected from) So that he can scramble any type of security device.