Name: Munin
Real Name:
Eyes: Yellow
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 287 lb.
Rank: Comander
Type: Arial Assault Pretorian
Animal Reference: Raven

Personality: Calm and easy going, he hardly gets angery or upset, but he is never really happy either. Because he cannot remember who he once was, he is often troubled by what his past is or many have been. He perfures to keep to himself.

Background: The only real background that is known, is the time he spent as a Preteroian. Munin was once human, and in the military at the time of the creation of a new Bio-Mechanical Android that would change the way battle was done forever. Munin was the first in the series, and for some reason, during the transplant of his mind to the new body, all memory of who he was and his entire life was lost. Though, all techincal knowlege such as movement, battle, and secular knowlege were all still intact.
Afraid of that if this error were to reach the public, the project would be scraped, they proceeded to erase all knowlege of Munin's Prior identity, and make it look as though he had never existed, and those in his family would recive notices of his death, so that no one would suspect anything. All personel in the military that knew of him were forbiddin to even speak his name. Eventually years pasted by, and the incident of Munin's lost memory was nearly forgotten as well, and the Pretorian Project progressed on schedual.

Abilities: He is evenly rounded in both long rang and close combat. His specialties are speed, and flight stealth, and battle stratigics.