

They are the sentiant inhabitants of the planet Di-kal, the sister planet of Saurista.

Their skin is human like, usually a tan color, though have hair on the top of their heads, with a slight mane that follows down the back, ending at their mid back. Very tall in size, at full raised height the smallest would be around 6' the tallest around 8' and 9' feet, though the latter is rather rare. They could be considered both, bipedal, and quadraped. They often walk around like a bipedal, though when hunting, or running, they move like a quadraped.
They have no marking or patters, though are marked with tatoos. They all have stripes or spots, tatooed on them once they are of age. The spots and stripes are for different reigons. Stripes for the western reigon, spots for the eastern. The color also varies for each seperate clan. Basically, it way for other qytirs to determine from which reigon and clan the other is from. Also they are given crests on each arm, the left side, for the name of the clan and leader of the time, the right, is for if they are ever mated, to signify they are mated, and who it is to. (because of their sense of devotion they mate for life)

They live in large societies. Human like in intellegence, they live similar to that of native americans, with values seeded deeply in honor and family. They belive in spirits, and that the sprits of those past away look after those still living. Praiers are always addressed to the family members of the past, as they believe they cannot speak to the gods themselves, and that the spirits of those past must speak for them. It is also common for Qytirs to fast on the death of their parents, or children, if that ever happens, as their show of rememberence. Of course, other forms of rememberence vary from clan to clan, such as offerings, meditation, or dance, but the basic structure of belief remains the same.

Qytirs are in fact, not native to their planet, but are actually a small group of ancient Sauristans that had migrated to the planet to start a new, far more peaceful, and less technology oriented society. Centuries of adaptation is the reason why they now look they way they do.

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