They are the main sentient species and homosapian-like nhabbitants of the planet
of Saurista
Though somewhat human looking, Sauristans are hardly human. Skin tones vary
as much as human skin tone, basded on reigon. Their hair is like that of a lions
mane, and is thick and hard to keep, and occasionally can be curly or dreaded.
Hair color has a variety of ranges, either solid, or streaked with two colors.
Their eyes have no pupils, rather, the color fades to white. And they have claws
on their hands and feet instead of basic nails.
One could say the Sauristan society is very Spartain-like. Reletively civil
and technologically advanced, their specialty is in the fight, or wars. By nature,
and by society, they are very competitive, and occational street-side brawls
aren't uncommonn, though unlike a random mugging, such things are done in sport,
for personal honor. Watching fights in the battle domes is regular pasttime
for most Sauristans. For this reason, Sauristan soldiers are highly saught after
by their allies, when in times of war.
Although, the society of the upperclass, are quite a bit different, as their
lifestyle adapted some of the society and structure of the allied planets. Partly
on an account of a need to form alliances, and also because of the greater number
of non-sauristans living in the capatals.
As their society would suggest, they were far more feral in their greater past,
which slowly smoothed out to be more civilised as they progressed. Although,
in the most current time line, Saurista is no more. An attack was set up against
the head of the Alligned Planets during a meeting that was located on Saurista.
(also wiping out the allied planet's strongest military force) Which resulted
in the destruction of the planet of Saurista, nearly wiping out the race. Asside
from Sauristans on other allied plants and scatter colonies, the Sauristans
are few in number.
See Also